Burned with acid, this poodle makes an incredible transformation that will inspire you!

Please make a special $10 donation for Hope For Paws' 10th anniversary: http://www.HopeForPaws.org When we received the call about Alice out in the desert town - 2 hours east of Los Angeles, Loreta Frankonyte and I headed straight out to the rescue. We were told the dog had ingested acid , and it resulted in horrible chemical burns to the dog's mouth. When we arrived at the rescue location, we were shocked... the dog smelled like she was rotting away. Hundreds of flies were surrounding her... it was just horrible. Loreta placed the Lucky Leash around Alice and carried her to the Hope For Paws rescue vehicle. At the hospital Alice needed some urgent medical care. Sadly, as of today, she had all of her teeth removed! Alice continued to her foster home, and for the next two months Loreta cooked for her, treated her skin with coconut oil, and gave her lots of love. Loreta's dogs, Bonnie and Coco helped Alice learn how to become an adored pet :-) Two months later, when Alice felt A LOT better, we asked our friends Chris and Michele Gentry to watch Alice for a few days while we had to run to a rescue in South Carolina (Hermione) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXtJcEIkYks By the time we got back, Chris and Michele were completely in love, and they asked to adopt Alice. For those of you who don't know this amazing couple - they adopted Fiona from Hope For Paws 7 years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJkZXh9v_i4 This is such an amazing ending to this story and we couldn't be happier for everybody! :-) Today we are celebrating EXACTLY 10 YEARS since we founded Hope For Paws, and we would like to ask you for your help. If you appreciate our videos, please donate any amount you can so we can continue in full force to save these lives: http://www.HopeForPaws.org Thank you so much for sharing our videos - I really appreciate it! Eldad