WHY??? Why would anyone throw a kitten on the freeway??? Please share.

This is just unbelievable! Loreta and I just completed the rescue of Josephine and her babies, and as we were getting closer to Los Angeles, we received a text about a kitten on the fast track lane in the opposite side of the freeway. It took us 45 minutes to get to the rescue location, we parked illegally, opened the windows for the dogs, and ran about 200 yards to the spot where the kitten was laying down. Once we were ready, Loreta Frankonyte and I broke into the freeway and stopped traffic completely! Not knowing the kitten's state of mind, I told Loreta I will approach from the front so he can see me, and she will surprise him from behind. The plan worked perfectly, and people were really happy to see us save little Napoleon :-) The little guy was sick, had an eye infection, he was so skinny, and I just have no idea how he could have made it to that side of the freeway... he was too weak to move, and there is just no way he could have crossed 6 lanes of traffic alone... someone must have done it to him! I really hope we can count on you today to join Hope For Paws with a small recurring donation that will help us focus on rescuing, and will help us spend little to no time on fundraising. To make a donation, please visit: http://www.HopeForPaws.org Eldad