23-ejų psichologijos studentė pasipuošė „Mis Pasaulis“ karūna

„Mis Pasaulis“ 2019-ieji/„Scanpix“ nuotr.
Autorius: Žmonės.lt
Publikuota: 2019-12-15 13:15
Šeštadienį Londone išrinkta gražiausia mergina, tapusi naująja „Mis Pasaulis“. Karūna šįmet pasipuošė 23 metų psichologijos studentė Toni-Ann Singh iš Jamaikos.

Merginai karūną perdavė praėjusių metų „Mis Pasaulis“ nugalėtoja Meksikos atstovė Vanessa Ponce de Leon. Jamaikos atstovės šį konkursą laimi jau ketvirtąjį kartą.

Antroji vieta šiemet atiteko prancūzei Ophely Mezino, o trečioji – indei Suman Rao. Jamaikietė džiaugsmu pasidalijo ir socialiniuose tinkluose. Instagrame mergina rašė, kad šis laimėjimas jai yra itin didelis pasiekimas ir įvertinimas.

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My Jamaica, sweet Jamaica??we did it! Wah we seh? LIKKLE BUT WE TALLAWAH. My heart is filled with love and gratitude. Thank you so much for believing in me. You pushed me to believe in myself. I am not only honored but humbled to be the 69th Miss World. Thank you to my family and to my friends. The love and support you poured into me now allows me to pour into the world. My mother @jahrinebailey, I love you I love you I love you. I wish to become even half the woman you are. You are my strength, my number one supporter/cheerleader/fan and my absolute best friend. _____________________________________________________________ To that little girl in St. Thomas, Jamaica and all the girls around the world - please believe in yourself. Please know that you are worthy and capable of achieving your dreams. This crown is not mine but yours. It’s for you to truly understand that no matter where you’re from and the cards you’re dealt in life - your dreams are valid. You have a PURPOSE. _____________________________________________________________ To the @missjamaicaworld franchise, thank you for taking a chance on me and leading the way. I wouldn’t have accomplished my dream without your efforts. To @hon.oliviagrange, you held my hand and lifted my head up high. I could not have reached this far without you. To the @missworld franchise - I am willing and ready to do the work; to officially be the face that represents the core of Miss World - Beauty with a Purpose. _____________________________________________________________ And last but of course not least, thank you GOD. Thank you for allowing me to walk the path towards my purpose. My heart is full????? One Love.

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„Tai mažai mergaitei iš Jamaikoje esančio Sent Tomaso miesto ir visoms mergaitėms visame pasaulyje sakau – prašau, pasitikėkite savimi. Nepamirškite, kad esate to vertos ir, kad galite įgyvendinti savo svajones. Ši karūna yra ne mano, o jūsų“, – rašė jamaikietė.


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